Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Music, Metal and Politics paper (from 2008)

You can now (finally) read the paper I presented in Salzburg, Austria last November entitled "Extreme Metal and Extreme Politics - Strange Bedfellows or Fellow Travelers?" The first part was actually written for the non-metal person in mind. Also, considering the use of music sharing/sampling sites such as MySpace & YouTube, it's quite easy for them to investigate what these bands sound like along with the multiple video and additional web sources I've noted. I'm not the most scholarly or academic writer, my speciality is in history-specifically the history of the far ends of the political spectrum as it relates to music. I'm also have included in the 2nd link the handouts which underscore the visual side of the extremity and some of them are regular dude band photos. PLEASE note these are rather big files, so download time might take up to 10 minutes depending on your harddrive (mine's a crappy 2004-era Mac, so I'm sure you have something better/faster/stronger).

Das ist Paper

Das ist Visuals

Enjoy and don't be a lame-oh, leave COMMENTS!

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